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Application Architecture

This article describes how the Amazon Connect for Zendesk app and its add-ons use AWS SDK and Amazon Connect Stream API for integration. This pertains to version numbers specified in the table below and will be updated with future product releases.



Amazon Connect Stream API


Amazon Connect for Zendesk Core app


Version 2.9, minified .js lib embedded in the app

Note: The below is applicable when Pause/Resume add-on is enabled, by the customer.

AWS SDK for JavaScript v3, using Connect service for suspendContactRecording, resumeContactRecording, and updateContactAttributes API methods. It uses temporary credentials obtained via STS assumeRole, generated in lambda triggered from Connect contact flow.

Amazon Connect for Zendesk with Pause/Resume add-on



Note: The below is only applicable when Pause/Resume add-on is enabled, by the customer.

Lambda triggered from Connect contact flow. AWS SDK for JavaScript v3, calls STS service to issue temporary credentials. IAM role is created via CloudFormation deployment from SAR and includes policies AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole and a custom one with permissions for STS

Amazon Connect for Zendesk with Zendesk Search add-on



Note: The below is only applicable when Search add-on is enabled, by the customer.

Lambda triggered from Connect contact flow. No AWS services used (only 3rd party APIs).
IAM role is created via CloudFormation deployment from SAR and includes policy AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole only.

Amazon Connect for Zendesk with Contact Lens add-on



Note: The below is only applicable when Contact Lens add-on is enabled, by the customer.

Lambda triggered from an S3 bucket with Contact Lens records on Put event. AWS SDK for JavaScript v3, optionally calls DynamoDB service to store failed Zendesk searches for later retries. IAM role is created via CloudFormation deployment from SAR and includes policies AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole and policies to read from S3, decrypt with KMS and perform CRUD operations on DynamoDB table.

The below architectural diagrams show the technical design for Amazon Connect for Zendesk and the add-on applications.



Amazon Connect for Zendesk Core app

This represents the core installation of the Zendesk for Amazon Connect applications

Amazon Connect for Zendesk with Pause/Resume add-on

This represents the add on for Pause and Resume.

Description and Installation guide

Amazon Connect for Zendesk with Zendesk Search add-on

This represents the add on for Zendesk Search

Description and Installation guide

Amazon Connect for Zendesk with Contact Lens add-on

This represents the add on for Contact Lens.

Description and Installation guide

Amazon Connect for Zendesk - Core App.pdf

Amazon Connect for Zendesk - Pause & Resume.pdf

Amazon Connect for Zendesk - Zendesk Search.pdf

Amazon Connect for Zendesk - Contact Lens.pdf

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