Release 2.3
What's new
We've added the below feature:
Support for Amazon Connect Chat. This enables users who are using Amazon Connect Chat to create tickets within their Zendesk environments to better handle their customer interactions.
Further information on Chat Functionality can be found here
What's fixed
We have fixed and have included fixes from the below versions into this release.
Blocked the ability for a dial-out from the user/ticket when the agent is in a non-dialable state. This prevents outbound calls when the agent hasn't closed a previous contact, or the previous contact is in an error state, such as missed calls, etc.
Fixed the error where call attributes could be added to the currently in focus ticket when an agent starts and outbound dial and then switches tabs.
Fixed the error where a duplicate ticket or call details being attributed to wrong tickets when :
The ticket/user pop occurs before the call is connected (default setting) and the agent accepts the call before the pop is completed, or
Auto-accept is enabled
Session clearing has been added so if an exception happens in one call it leaves the session state clean (properly initialized) for the next call.
Creating duplicate user records when a user has multiple numbers.
Creating tickets with the subject "Incoming call from undefined" or sometimes not creating a ticket at all. This was found to happen due to an unhandled exception when applying custom contact attributes.
What's improved
Added configuration option to create a new user and a ticket on an outbound call to an unrecognized number.
We have added support for desk phones with Amazon Connect.
Customers need to be aware when using a deskphone, this is an offnet phone call that limits functionality and controls within the browser.
Known Issues
Currently, there are no known issues in this release.
What's coming next.
In upcoming releases, we are planning to release the following:
Items will be added to this list as approved