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Release Notes


This release has a change to the Agent Experience where new Interface Controls for Outbound Queue Selection have been released.

Operations Teams should take note of the new UI changes and advise end users how the functional changes should be used by your organisations processes & policies.

Technical Teams should ensure that your Amazon Connect Queues, have the relevant Outbound CLI configuration for CLI presentation in Amazon Connect, and ensure that any return calls (from the outbound CLI numbers used), route through your desired call flows / call treatments to avoid incorrect routing.


Closed Preview: 13th August 2024 (Approx. 9am AEST) - This closed preview will be released to select Closed Preview customers for feedback.

Tentative GA Release: 3rd September 2024 (Approx. 9am AEST) - This release date may be extended should any issues arrise during the closed preview period.

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