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Amazon Connect for Zendesk



CHANGE MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATION - v2.8 This release has a change to the Agent Experience where new Interface Controls for Outbound Queue Selection have been ...


Amazon Connect Customers should be familiar with Amazon Connect prior to installing and configuring Amazon Connect for Zendesk integration. Please refer to t...

Application Architecture

This article describes how the Amazon Connect for Zendesk app and its add-ons use AWS SDK and Amazon Connect Stream API for integration. This pertains to ver...

Use of AWS components and infrastructure

This article describes how the Amazon Connect for Zendesk app and its add-ons use AWS SDK and Amazon Connect Streams API for integration. This pertains to ve...

Installation Guide

If you are looking to upgrade from a deprecated version (before v2.1) please review the upgrade notes which are located here. Prerequisite: Zendesk TPE Licen...

Template Contact Flows

We’ve developed the below templated Contact Flows to assist you in setting up your environment. Additionally, there is a Lex Bot at the bottom for use with a...

TPE v2 Voice Comment

Zendesk Talk Partner Edition version 2 (TPE v2) comes with a new call object which serves as a data store for all call related data points. The TPE v2 upgrad...

Administrator Guide

Terminology used The following terminology is used within this document. attribute An Amazon Connect custom attribute which, if set within a contact flow, wi...

End User Guide

This section describes the features and functions that are specific to the Amazon Connect app for Zendesk. The user should refer to the Amazon Connect User G...

Enabling Amazon Connect login with third party cookies.

Amazon Connect uses cookies for authentication. As part of Google's Privacy Sandbox initiative, Google Chrome has announced plans to block third-party cookie...

Troubleshooting & FAQ

Troubleshooting How do I confirm the version of my installed connector Your Zendesk admin needs to browse to the below URL, after updating your Zendesk Subdo...

Known Issues

Issue Workaround AWS released a feature in Amazon Connect Streams in which the CCP will capture the agent’s browser microphone media stream before the contac...

Add On Features

Zendesk Search for Connect with the help of the Zendesk Support API Enabling Pause and Resume for call recordings Enabling Amazon Connect Contact Lens for Ze...

Release Notes

CHANGE MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATION - v2.8 This release has a change to the Agent Experience where new Interface Controls for Outbound Queue Selection have been ...

Support & Feature Requests

AWS proactively advises customers when they identify your AWS account has one or more Lambda functions using a version of runtime which is being made end of ...

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